Django Shirts is Django Reinhardt and Gypsy Jazz merchandise, on demand silk screen printing, and drop shipping services for artists and guitar builders. We specialize in cost effective merchandising for bands and builders on a budget.

It is no longer necessary to purchase your merchandise in bulk, only to sit on unpopular and expensive t-shirt designs for years. Merc…handise offered by bands hosted here is printed upon ordering and shipped directly from DjangoShirts to their customers. This not only allows bands to keep their costs in check, but also allows them the freedom to test the market until they find designs that sell!

We offer multifaceted band merchandising packages. They include short run t-shirt options manufactured by DjangoShirts that bands can sell at performances. The packages also offer helpful linkable online storefront components which take the shipping responsibilities off the long list of things that bands already need to do to stay successful. Along with the t-shirts offered through DjangoShirts, bands have the option to consign their entire merchandise range to DjangoShirts for an all inclusive band storefront linkable from their homepage. To find out more simply contact us!

DjangoShirts is owned by Gypsy Jazz Guitarist Christo Rupppenthal of Madison, WI’s Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble. Chris has a degree in “Entertainment and Media Business” from Madison Media Institute and is trained in band merchandising, promotion, publicity, marketing, and management. He is a veteran of the Gypsy Jazz style with 9 plus years of experience, 2 CDs (“Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble” “An Evening at The Brink Lounge”), a DVD (“Live at Sinnissippi”), and hundreds of gigs to his credit. Chris is also a trained silk screen printer with experience doing spot color logos, gradient imaging, multi color, and photo printing.

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